Sabado, Oktubre 5, 2013



Experimenting with Fonts and Colors
Concept of Using Table
Working with Box Model
Experimenting With Images
Website Sections and Multimedia

*** Experimenting with Fonts and Colors and Concept of Using table were already discussed so handout regarding these lessons will be posted later.***

CSS Positioning Properties
1. Absolute – the elements stays in one place. Even if you resize the browser. It will remain in the part of the page you assigned it to.
left, top
right, bottom
.abs { position: absolute;
right: 0;}
2. relative – its position depends on other elements. Even if you resize the browser window, it will not overlap into other elements
left, top,
right,  bottom

.rel { position: relative;
3. static – The default position. The element would be in this position if you did not specify any value
hr {position:static;}
4. fixed – The element stays in place even if you scroll up or down, left or right. Its position depends on the browser window and not on the page itself.
Left, top, right bottom
pre { position: fixed;
       left: 0;}
5. float – Its position is either to the left or right of another element, with all the other contents enclosing it.
Left and right
.left { float:left}
6. Clear – So that the element will not have any other contents around it
Left, right or both
.right {clear: right;}

Span – tag defines the style of any in-line element. Usually use for Inline CSS.
<span style=”font-style:italic”>This text is italicized </span>

Div - is used to define the style of a block of elements.
<div style=”text-align:center; color:red”> This sentence uses in-line css </div>

The Box Model
The appearance of any element may be enhanced by styling its borders, margins and padding. In the box model, the element is enclosed by the padding, which is then enclosed by the borders, and which in turn is enclosed by the margin.

Border Properties
a. border-style = you may choose dashed, dotted, double, solid or none.
b. border-width = thin, medium, thick or in pixels.
c. border-color = any color or transparent

Margin Property = indicates the amount of space between the border of an element and the edge of your web page. May be specified through px, em or % units. Margin properties may be in margin-top, margin-bottom, margin-left and margin-right.

Padding Property = indicates the amount of space between the borer of the element and its contents through px, em or % units. Padding sides: padding-top, padding-bottom, padding-left or padding right.

Sample of HTML Document using the concept of Box Model
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head><title>Box Model </title>
<style type=”text/css”>

.box { margin:3em; padding:2em; border-style:dashed; border-color:red;}
</style></head><body> <div class=”box”> This text uses box model</div></body></html>

Experimenting With Images

Background Values
a. background-color  = light background go perfect with dark texts and vice versa
b. background-image = this is where you put the image source
c. background-position = top, left, bottom, center, left right or combinations of these (top left)
d. background-repeat = repeat, repeat-y, repeat-x or no-repeat.
e. background-attachment = fixed or scroll

<style type=”text/css”>
body { background-color: red;
           background-image: url(smiley.gif);
           background-position: center;
           background-repeat: no-repeat:
           background-attachment: fixed }
OR can be written as:

<style type=”text/css”>
body {background: red url(smiley.gif) center no-repeat fixed }

Using In-line Images

Using image in-line with the text is through the empty tag <img/>
            <img src=”birds.gif” alt=”a small bird” longdesc= width=”200” height=”300”>

Image Attribute
a. src =  refers to the path or URL of the image you want to display on your page.
b. alt = alternative description of the image.
c. longdesc = refers to the .html address of the image.
d. width and height = specifies the dimension of the image.

To Format the Image’s border using CSS

Border Properties
a. border-style = you may choose dashed, dotted, double, solid or none.
b. border-width = thin, medium, thick or in pixels.
c. border-color = any color or transparent

<style type=”text/css”>
img { border-style: dashed;
         border-color:green; }   </style>

Image File Types

There are two main image formats used in Web Pages:
a. JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)
 = designed as the standard for photographic images allowing 16 million different colors in an image.

b. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)
            = This is good format for illustration, computer-generated images, cartoons and images with big areas of solid colors. GIF images can be transparent or animated. GIF supports only up to 256 different colors.

MULTIMEDIA = is a combination of the different forms of media such as text, graphics, audio, and video.

Adding Audio

<embed src=”music.mid” autoplay=”false” hidden=”false” loops=”3”/>

src= path or url of the music file
autoplay = when set to false, will allow the user to click a play button, however, the music will start playing once the page finishes loading
hidden = determines whether the control panel will appear or not.
loop = will play and replay the file depending on the value specified.

Adding Video
<embed src=”complicated.mp3” height =”300” width=”300” autoplay=”false” hidden=”false” />

src= path or url of the music file
autoplay = when set to false, will allow the user to click a play button, however, the video will start playing once the page finishes loading
hidden = determines whether the control panel will appear or not.
height and width= refers to the dimension of the video that will be displayed


a. home page = The first web page that a visitor must be able to access in a website
            *splash page = a striking entrance page for your site. It usually consists of your site’s logo, or any image illustration that best represents your site and the links to you main page.

b. About the site Section = Where you can state your reasons for making the site
c. About Me Section = Section regarding yourself as the creator
d. Copyright Section or Contact Me Section 
e. Site Map = It is a separate page consisting of all the links in your site
f. Site links Section = a separate page in your site that presents all the other sites you find interesting and or related to your site.

h. Guestbook = Is a web page where your site’s visitors can enter their comments about your site or yourself.

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